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The People Of Somalia Need Your Support

The recent floods in Somalia have caused widespread devastation & medical injuries, whilst cutting off many towns and villages near Mogadishu.

We will be working alongside the Somali Medical Association, supplying medical tents, medicines, and clean drinking water Inshā’Allāh.

Mogadishu was severely hit by torrential rains that caused major flooding, widespread damage and physical injuries.

There are nearly one million affected people in the surrounding areas, that were first displaced by drought, living in makeshift shelters that have now been destroyed by the floods.

City Centre Da’wah along with the Somali Medical Association, aim to prevent the spread of water borne diseases such as Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Leptospirosis and Hepatitis A, by providing tents to set up medical centres.

The region is currently suffering a Measles and Pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak, along with Malaria and acute watery diarrhoea. We urgently need to provide medication for these diseases.

We will source and purchase the necessary medicines and also distribute fresh drinking water with Allāh’s Permission.

How can you help people in Somalia?

The best way to help us reach those affected is by donating to our Somalia Flood Appeal today.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to update this page with more information from local teams on the ground about what’s happening and how your support is helping people.

The first £10,000 has been forwarded to Somalia for the purpose and of purchasing tents to be used as medical centres, Alhamdulilah. This is what the doctors on ground had to say:

I would like to echo Dr. Lul’s sentiments and extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. We are fortunate to have a robust network of dedicated doctors across the country, each possessing valuable expertise in disaster response.

While our network is strong, what we lacked was the necessary resource to execute a coordinated and systematic effort to support those in dire need, regardless of their location. Your generous donation is a pivotal contribution that will enable us to scale up the impactful work we have already initiated.

May Allāh reward you all abundantly in this world and the hereafter.

Our immediate focus is on constructing medical tents in areas that are severely impacted by the floods and host a large population of displaced individuals. The tent locations include:

  • Buloburde
  • Luuq
  • Bardere
  • Baydhabo

These areas are in desperate need of medical care, and your contribution will play a crucial role in providing relief to those affected. The tents will serve as vital centers for medical assistance, offering support to the communities facing unprecedented challenges.

Following this initial phase, we plan to extend our efforts to build medical tents in the Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps in Mogadishu. Our commitment is unwavering, and we aim to continue this initiative for as long as our finances permit.

Other Ways To Donate

By Bank Transfer
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